Happy august 1st. I just came back from a short escape to Denver for a full day of shopping, and sleeping with a one year old. It was all fun. I went to see trends and what's new for fall in a real city. Here's what I saw: I saw a lot of orange--a nice bright warm, fall color; I saw a fair amount of polka dots--I happen to love polka dots. I have some knitting patterns for polka dots--want to do a polka dot knit along? I also saw very wide, drapey sweaters in off white cotton knitted with lots of yarn overs. Another trend was sweaters knitted with a couple rows of knitting in one weight yarn followed by a couple rows of very light yarn. Nice overall look, I think. Saw lots of little sparkles knitted into casual sweaters-and guess what? Oodles has lots of carry along colors of yarn with little sequins.
Don't know what my next project will be. I'm redoing a Dyelot Yarn Recovery package sample sweater 'cause I left out a small, important detail in the pattern, like decreasing both sides 10 times so I have to reknit it. Next I might knit a color block sweater--another trend I saw while shopping my feet off. Color block is knitting square or rectangle, or even triangle shapes in different colors on the same garment. A lot of the color block sweaters I saw were made of colors you might not ordinarily think of putting together--like red with yellow orange, or cobalt blue with orange (again), I saw lots of cobalt blue, and lots of black and white.
I'm starting to get my new fall/winter yarns in day by day!!! It's so exciting!!!! I already got some Lucci rayon multicolored yarn--some with sparkles, some without sparkles, some to knit alone, some to mix with others. I also got some Berroco Vintage Chunky--washable wool and something not wool. It's 3 1/2 sts/in and a really good buy at $8.00 a ball. Next week new Misti alpaca is scheduled to arrive in worsted and bulky, plus...I can't remember. Will fill you in next blog.
Happy knitting and stay cool. It's air conditioned Oodles ya know. Bev
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